An abstract-thinking test that defeats machines

Artificial-intelligence systems have so far been unable to achieve human-level performance on the ConceptARC test. This logic puzzle asks solvers to show how grid patterns will change after the solver has seen multiple demonstrations of an underlying abstract concept. Here are two sample tasks based on the same underlying concept. Can you solve them?

Task A

  • Demonstration:

    • Two abstract shapes, one orange, one blue and two squares, one red, one dark blue. The squares remain.
    • Two cross shapes, one cream, one pink, a cream rectangle consisting of six squares, a purple rectangle consisting of two squares and an orange square. The cross shapes remain.
    • Three abstract shapes, two green one orange and one orange square. The abstract shapes remain.
  • Test:

      • Two hollow rectangle shapes, one green one orange, one green abstract shape and one orange square.
      • The hollow rectangle shapes remain.
      • Two abstract shapes, one red, one blue, a green rectangle and a green square.
      • The abstract shapes remain.
      • Three rectangles, one purple, one blue and one orange.
      • The three rectangle remain.

Task B

  • Demonstration:

    • Task B demonstration one. Two vertical lines, one cream, one purple, one horizontal orange line and one diagonal blue line. The vertical lines remain.
    • Task B demonstration two. Two horizontal lines, one cream, one orange, one vertical red line and one diagonal green line. The horizontal lines remain.
  • Test:

      • Task B test one. Two diagonal lines, one purple, one blue, one horizontal green line and one vertical orange line.
      • Task B answer one. The diagonal lines remain.
      • Task B test two. Two vertical lines one orange and one cream.
      • Task B answer two. The two vertical lines remain.
      • Task B test three. Two vertical lines, one green, one cream, on horizontal purple line and one diagonal purple line.
      • Task B answer three. The two vertical lines remain.

Source: Ref 1.